
TypeTree v0.2.0 (Gson)

Daily Build


Redefine your JSON data with graphics

简介 Introduction

TypeTree的目标是为结构化数据提供高级的可视化编辑界面,目前的v0.2.x版的主要功能是JSON文件的编辑,代号为 Gson


The goal of TypeTree is to provide an advanced visual editing interface for structured data. The current v0.2.x version focuses on editing JSON files, codenamed Gson.

You can try the web version of the editor here (saving and opening files are not supported).

界面 Interface


快捷键 Shortcuts

命令 快捷键
移动光标 ↑/↓/←/→/W/S/A/D
选择节点的边(变为插入) Ctrl + ↑/↓/←/→
移动选区(向某个方向扩大/缩小选择) Shift + ↑/↓/←/→
移动到最上/下/左/右侧的节点 PageUp/PageDown/Home/End
移动到最上/下/左/右边的边(变为插入) Ctrl + PageUp/PageDown/Home/End
选取到最上/下/左/右侧 Shift + PageUp/PageDown/Home/End
全选 Ctrl + A
进入节点内部/确认/修改/插入新节点 Enter
离开节点 Esc
在右边插入新节点 Insert
在下边插入新节点 Shift + Insert/Enter
删除左/右侧的节点 Backspace/Delete
删除上/下方的节点 Shift + Backspace/Delete
插入新节点/变更当前节点类型 Tab
重组选区(包围) (
快速插入:数组 [/V
快速插入:对象 {/H
快速插入:字符串 C
快速插入:数字 N/X
快速插入:布尔值 B
撤销 Ctrl + Z
重做 Ctrl + Shift + Z
新建文件 Ctrl + N
打开文件 Ctrl + O
保存 Ctrl + S
另存为 Ctrl + Shift + S
Command Shortcut
Move cursor ↑/↓/←/→/W/S/A/D
Select node’s edge (become insert) Ctrl + ↑/↓/←/→
Move selection (expand/shrink selection in a direction) Shift + ↑/↓/←/→
Move to the top/bottom/left/rightmost node PageUp/PageDown/Home/End
Move to the top/bottom/left/rightmost edge (become insert) Ctrl + PageUp/PageDown/Home/End
Select to the top/bottom/left/rightmost Shift + PageUp/PageDown/Home/End
Select all Ctrl + A
Enter node/confirm/modify/insert new node Enter
Leave node Esc
Insert new node on the right Insert
Insert new node below Shift + Insert/Enter
Delete node on the left/right Backspace/Delete
Delete node above/below Shift + Backspace/Delete
Insert new node/change current node type Tab
Restruct selection (surrond) (
Quick insert: array [/V
Quick insert: object {/H
Quick insert: string C
Quick insert: number N/X
Quick insert: boolean B
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
New file Ctrl + N
Open file Ctrl + O
Save Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S